
Nixon Colour Private Limited Company T/A Colournix Home & Office Solutions is a Construction and Hardware supplies firm which was incorporated in Zimbabwe in February 2016 in terms of Company Act of Zimbabwe (Chapter 24:03) . It provides a wide range of assurance and business services to companies in various industries, non-profit organizations and individuals. The firm specialises in Construction, hardware supplies, Painting, Property development and Renovations. We are proud to be one of the professional Constructions and Hardware supplies firms in Zimbabwe, and we know that our growth and success are directly linked to our commitment to excellence and professional services we provide to our clients. All the partners and senior staff members of our firm are qualified professionals and are members of professional bodies. In addition, the firm associates with specialised consultants to perform the consulting engagements on a job basis.


To be an international leading construction and property development company.


To meet the customers' requirements by ensuring that our products and services are of high quality and are delivered in time.


  • Respect
  • Accountability
  • Persistance
  • Honesty
  • Integrity